Nov 12, 2018

Vivir es Cristo

Fija mis ojos solo en ti!

Padre, lo que me has dado
solo quiero apreciarlo, mejorarlo
tesoros que no son materiales me has dado

Oct 8, 2018

The ultimate Song.

Knowing Him Deeper

Sometimes I wonder How was I chosen?
I am one of the shiest people on earth, I am so quiet, such a thinker, such a loneliness lover, now here's Him, The most precious, greatest, synonym of  perfection, I mean he the creator, who makes things live or perish, He chose me among all these crowds full of energy and vision,

Despite all, there are good things in me
He made me
He loves me
He thinks of me
He sees me
He truly knows me
He cares about me

No matter how afraid I get, HE SET ME FREE
IF HE could make my heart love when I asked him
I know HE will DEFINITELY make me feel secure
confident, peaceful .........................

May 21, 2018

Esta mañana es una victoria para mi,
Anoche fue un volcán en donde pense algo que me aterró, pense en rendirme, temblaba al caminar, gritaba desesperadamente que despertaras y me abrazaras tan fuerte.

Si Dios nos permitio estar juntos pienso que, si puedes soportar mis dificiles momentos.

Se libre y se feliz, recuerdame.
Camina confiado. Pero no preocupado, siempre querre verte feliz. Amor. Te amo

Yo voy a besarte sin presionarte.
A verte sin juzgarte.
Amarte sin atarte.
Abrazarte sin aislarte.

Siempre, se feliz.
Te quiere,


Dec 19, 2017


Siento que voy a bendecir vidas al escribir sobre mi aqui

I do not know who will see my posts but If one person can be blessed by reading I'll do it.

Walking with Jesus has got to be one of the most difficult things I have ever done.
I thought it'd be easier. I thought I was so fine, that I
 didnt have no issues. that just bcs I had a nice family, got along with everybody, was nice, and attended a church I'd be perfect. But God showed me the lowest of my sins, I felt things I never thought I would.

For the first time in my life I said I hated , yes hated, someone😟.  and I truly acted like I did. I couldnt forgive that person i decided I was tired of forgiving. so I let anger come and sit in my heart, and it was the greatest mistake I HAD EVER MADE. I opened the door of the darkness into my life, just bcs i couldnt let go. I went straight to bitterness, how can one think that you can omit Gods commands and be just fine. I happened to be one of the most joyful people, and then the most bittered and sad. Always scared, always running away from people. Focusing on the bad, instead of letting Gods love and light to cover the faults or offenses.
(Im beyond this is a retro) 

May 16, 2016

Being an idiot

Being an idiot has got to stop.

Naive or beyond stupidity?

Srsly I'm pretty much done with it...